id < 1) { session_start(); $number = $_POST['txtNumber']; if ($message != NULL) { if (md5($number) != $_SESSION['image_random_value']) { $mess = _FB_CAPERR; echo ""; echo ""; return; die(); //break; } } } // Finish captcha //flood protection $fbConfig['floodprotection'] = (int)$fbConfig['floodprotection']; if ($fbConfig['floodprotection'] != 0) { $database->setQuery("select max(time) from #__fb_messages where ip='{$ip}'"); $lastPostTime = $database->loadResult(); } if (($fbConfig['floodprotection'] != 0 && ((($lastPostTime + $fbConfig['floodprotection']) < $systime) || $do == "edit" || $is_admin)) || $fbConfig['floodprotection'] == 0) { //Let's find out who we're dealing with if a registered user wants to make a post if ($my->id) { $database->setQuery("SELECT name, username, email FROM #__users WHERE id={$my->id}"); unset($user); $database->loadObject($user); if ($user->email) { $my_name = $fbConfig['username'] ? $user->username : $user->name; $my_email = $user->email; $registeredUser = 1; } else { echo _POST_ERROR . "
"; echo _POST_EXIT; return; } } } else { echo _POST_TOPIC_FLOOD1; echo $fbConfig['floodprotection'] . " " . _POST_TOPIC_FLOOD2 . "
"; echo _POST_TOPIC_FLOOD3; return; } //Now find out the forumname to which the user wants to post (for reference only) unset($objCatInfo); $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_categories WHERE id={$catid}"); $database->loadObject($objCatInfo); $catName = $objCatInfo->name; ?>
id, $fbConfig['pubwrite'], $is_moderator))) { ?>
setQuery("SELECT id,thread,parent FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id={$parent}"); unset($m); $database->loadObject($m); if (count($m) < 1) { // bad parent, create a new post $parent = 0; $thread = 0; } else { $thread = $m->parent == 0 ? $m->id : $m->thread; } if ($catid == 0) { $catid = 1; //make sure there's a proper category } if ($attachfile != '') { $noFileUpload = 0; $GLOBALS['FB_rc'] = 1; include (JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_file_upload.php'); if ($GLOBALS['FB_rc'] == 0) { $noFileUpload = 1; } } if ($attachimage != '') { $noImgUpload = 0; $GLOBALS['FB_rc'] = 1; include (JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_image_upload.php'); if ($GLOBALS['FB_rc'] == 0) { $noImgUpload = 1; } } $messagesubject = $subject; //before we add slashes and all... used later in mail $fb_authorname = trim(addslashes($fb_authorname)); $subject = trim(addslashes($subject)); $message = trim(addslashes($message)); if ($contentURL != "empty") { $message = $contentURL . '\n\n' . $message; } //-- $email = trim(addslashes($email)); $topic_emoticon = (int)$topic_emoticon; $topic_emoticon = $topic_emoticon > 7 ? 0 : $topic_emoticon; $posttime = FBTools::fbGetInternalTime(); //check if the post must be reviewed by a Moderator prior to showing //doesn't apply to admin/moderator posts ;-) $holdPost = 0; if (!$is_moderator) { $database->setQuery("SELECT review FROM #__fb_categories WHERE id={$catid}"); $holdPost = $database->loadResult(); } // // Final chance to check whether or not to proceed // DO NOT PROCEED if there is an exact copy of the message already in the db // $duplicatetimewindow = $posttime - JB_SESSION_TIMEOUT; unset($existingPost); $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__fb_messages JOIN #__fb_messages_text ON id=mesid WHERE userid={$my->id} AND name='$fb_authorname' AND email='$email' AND subject='$subject' AND ip='$ip' AND message='$message' AND time>='$duplicatetimewindow'"); if (!$database->query()) die ("Serious db problem:" . $database->getErrorMsg()); $database->loadObject($existingPost); $pid = $existingPost->id; // echo 'pid: '.$pid; // echo ' query: '.$database->GetQuery(); if ($pid=='') { $database->setQuery( "INSERT INTO #__fb_messages (parent,thread,catid,name,userid,email,subject,time,ip,topic_emoticon,hold) VALUES('$parent','$thread','$catid','$fb_authorname','{$my->id}','$email','$subject','$posttime','$ip','$topic_emoticon','$holdPost')"); if ($database->query()) { $pid = $database->insertId(); // now increase the #s in categories only case approved if($holdPost==0) { FBTools::modifyCategoryStats($pid, $parent, $posttime, $catid); } $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_messages_text (mesid,message) VALUES('$pid','$message')"); $database->query(); if ($thread == 0) { //if thread was zero, we now know to which id it belongs, so we can determine the thread and update it $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_messages SET thread='$pid' WHERE id='$pid'"); $database->query(); } //update the user posts count if ($my->id) { $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_users SET posts=posts+1 WHERE userid={$my->id}"); $database->query(); } //Update the attachments table if an image has been attached if ($imageLocation != "" && !$noImgUpload) { $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_attachments (mesid, filelocation) values ('$pid','$imageLocation')"); if (!$database->query()) { echo "\n"; } } //Update the attachments table if an file has been attached if ($fileLocation != "" && !$noFileUpload) { $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_attachments (mesid, filelocation) values ('$pid','$fileLocation')"); if (!$database->query()) { echo "\n"; } } //Now manage the subscriptions (only if subscriptions are allowed) if ($fbConfig['allowsubscriptions'] == 1) { //they're allowed //get the proper user credentials for each subscription to this topic if ($thread == 0) { $querythread = $pid; } else { $querythread = $thread; } //clean up the message $mailmessage = smile::purify($message); $database->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM #__fb_subscriptions AS a" . " \n LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON" . " \n WHERE a.thread= '$querythread' OR a.category='$catid'"); $subsList = $database->loadObjectList(); //construct a useable URL (for plaintext - so no & encoding!) $messageUrl = sefRelToAbs(JB_LIVEURLREL . "&func=view&catid=$catid&id=$pid") . "#$pid"; if (count($subsList) > 0) { //we got more than 0 subscriptions require_once (JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_mail.php'); // include fbMail class for mailing foreach ($subsList as $subs) { $mailsubject = "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION "._GEN_SUBJECT.": '" . stripslashes($messagesubject) . "' "._FB_IN_FORUM." '" . stripslashes($catName) . "'"; $msg = "$subs->name,\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION1 $board_title "._FB_FORUM."\n"; $msg .= _GEN_SUBJECT.": '" . stripslashes($messagesubject) . "' "._FB_IN_FORUM." '" . stripslashes($catName) . "'\n"; $msg .= _VIEW_POSTED.": " . stripslashes($fb_authorname) . "\n\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION2\n"; $msg .= "URL: $messageUrl\n\n"; if ($fbConfig['mailfull'] == 1) { $msg .= _GEN_MESSAGE.":\n"; $msg .= stripslashes($mailmessage); } $msg .= "\n\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION3\n"; $msg .= "\n\n\n\n\n"; $msg .= "** Powered by FireBoard **\n"; $msg .= "** Best of Joomla! - **"; if ($ip != "" && $my->id != $subs->id) { //don't mail yourself mosmail($fbConfig['email'], _FB_FORUM_AT." " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $subs->email, $mailsubject, $msg); } } } } //Now manage the mail for moderator or admins (only if configured) if($fbConfig['mailmod']=='1' || $fbConfig['mailadmin']=='1') { //they're configured //get the proper user credentials for each moderator for this forum $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users AS u"; if($fbConfig['mailmod']==1) { $sql .= "\n LEFT JOIN #__fb_moderation AS a"; $sql .= "\n ON"; $sql .= "\n AND a.catid=$catid"; } $sql .= "\n WHERE 1=1"; $sql .= "\n AND ("; // helper for OR condition $sql2 = ''; if($fbConfig['mailmod']==1) { $sql2 .= " a.userid IS NOT NULL"; } if($fbConfig['mailadmin']==1) { if(strlen($sql2)) { $sql2 .= "\n OR "; } $sql2 .= " u.sendEmail=1"; } $sql .= "\n".$sql2; $sql .= "\n)"; $database->setQuery($sql); $modsList = $database->loadObjectList(); if (count($modsList) > 0) { //we got more than 0 moderators eligible for email require_once (JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_mail.php'); // include fbMail class for mailing foreach ($modsList as $mods) { $mailsubject = "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION "._GEN_SUBJECT.": '" . stripslashes($messagesubject) . "' "._FB_IN_FORUM." '" . stripslashes($catName) . "'"; $msg = "$mods->name,\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOT_MOD1 $board_title "._FB_FORUM."\n"; $msg .= _GEN_SUBJECT.": '" . stripslashes($messagesubject) . "' "._FB_IN_FORUM." '" . stripslashes($catName) . "'\n"; $msg .= _VIEW_POSTED.": " . stripslashes($fb_authorname) . "\n\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOT_MOD2\n"; $msg .= "URL: $messageUrl\n\n"; if ($fbConfig['mailfull'] == 1) { $msg .= _GEN_MESSAGE.":\n"; $msg .= stripslashes($mailmessage); } $msg .= "\n\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION3\n"; $msg .= "\n\n\n\n\n"; $msg .= "** Powered by FireBoard **\n"; $msg .= "** Best of Joomla! - **"; if ($ip != "" && $my->id != $mods->id) { //don't mail yourself //Send away mosmail($fbConfig['email'], "Forum at " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $mods->email, $mailsubject, $msg); } } } } //now try adding any new subscriptions if asked for by the poster if ($subscribeMe == 1) { if ($thread == 0) { $fb_thread = $pid; } else { $fb_thread = $thread; } $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_subscriptions (thread,userid) VALUES ('$fb_thread','{$my->id}')"); if ($database->query()) { echo _POST_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC . "

"; } else { echo _POST_NO_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC . "

"; } } if ($holdPost == 1) { echo _POST_SUCCES_REVIEW . ' ' . _GEN_CONTINUE . '.'; } else { echo '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> ' . _POST_SUCCESS_POSTED . '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo ''; ?>


"; echo '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> id, $fbConfig['pubwrite'], $is_moderator))) { //reply do quote $parentid = 0; $replyto = (int)$replyto; if ($replyto > 0) { $database->setQuery("SELECT #__fb_messages.*,#__fb_messages_text.message FROM #__fb_messages,#__fb_messages_text WHERE id={$replyto} AND mesid={$replyto}"); $database->query(); if ($database->getNumRows() > 0) { unset($message); $database->loadObject($message); // don't forget stripslashes //$message->message=smile::smileReplace($message->message,0); $table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES)); //$quote = strtr($message->message, $table); $quote = $message->message; $htmlText = "[b]" . stripslashes($message->name) . " " . _POST_WROTE . ":[/b]\n"; $htmlText .= '[quote]' . $quote . "[/quote]"; //$quote = smile::fbStripHtmlTags($quote); $resubject = strtr($message->subject, $table); $resubject = strtolower(substr($resubject, 0, strlen(_POST_RE))) == strtolower(_POST_RE) ? stripslashes($resubject) : _POST_RE . stripslashes($resubject); //$resubject = htmlspecialchars($resubject); $resubject = smile::fbStripHtmlTags($resubject); //$resubject = smile::fbStripHtmlTags($resubject); $parentid = $message->id; $authorName = $my_name; } } ?>
"; } else if ($do == "reply" && (hasPostPermission($database, $catid, $replyto, $my->id, $fbConfig['pubwrite'], $is_moderator))) { // reply no quote $parentid = 0; $replyto = (int)$replyto; $setFocus = 0; if ($replyto > 0) { $database->setQuery('SELECT #__fb_messages.*,#__fb_messages_text.message' . "\n" . 'FROM #__fb_messages,#__fb_messages_text' . "\n" . 'WHERE id=' . $replyto . ' AND mesid=' . $replyto); $database->query(); if ($database->getNumRows() > 0) { unset($message); $database->loadObject($message); $table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); $resubject = htmlspecialchars(strtr($message->subject, $table)); $resubject = strtolower(substr($resubject, 0, strlen(_POST_RE))) == strtolower(_POST_RE) ? stripslashes($resubject) : _POST_RE . stripslashes($resubject); $parentid = $message->id; $htmlText = ""; } } $authorName = $my_name; ?> "; } else if ($do == "newFromBot" && (hasPostPermission($database, $catid, $replyto, $my->id, $fbConfig['pubwrite'], $is_moderator))) { // The Mosbot "discuss on forums" has detected an unexisting thread and wants to create one $parentid = 0; $replyto = (int)$replyto; $setFocus = 0; // $resubject = base64_decode($resubject); //per mf#6100 -- jdg 16/07/2005 $resubject = base64_decode(strtr($resubject, "()", "+/")); $resubject = str_replace("%20", " ", $resubject); $resubject = preg_replace('/%32/', '&', $resubject); $resubject = preg_replace('/%33/', ';', $resubject); $resubject = preg_replace("/\'/", ''', $resubject); $resubject = preg_replace("/\"/", '"', $resubject); //$table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); //$resubject = strtr($resubject, $table); $fromBot = 1; //this new topic comes from the discuss mambot $authorName = htmlspecialchars($my_name); $rowid = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'rowid', 0); $rowItemid = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'rowItemid', 0); if ($rowItemid) { $contentURL = sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_content&task=view&Itemid=' . $rowItemid . '&id=' . $rowid); } else { $contentURL = sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_content&task=view&Itemid=1&id=' . $rowid); } $contentURL = _POST_DISCUSS . ': [url=' . $contentURL . ']' . $resubject . '[/url]'; ?> " method = "post" name = "postform" enctype = "multipart/form-data"> "; } else if ($do == "edit") { $allowEdit = 0; $id = (int)$id; $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_messages LEFT JOIN #__fb_messages_text ON WHERE$id"); $message1 = $database->loadObjectList(); $mes = $message1[0]; $userID = $mes->userid; //Check for a moderator or superadmin if ($is_moderator) { $allowEdit = 1; } if ($fbConfig['useredit'] == 1 && $my->id != "") { //Now, if the author==viewer and the viewer is allowed to edit his/her own post the let them edit if ($my->id == $userID) { if(((int)$fbConfig['usereditTime'])==0) { $allowEdit = 1; } else { //Check whether edit is in time $modtime = $mes->modified_time; if(!$modtime) { $modtime = $mes->time; } if(($modtime + ((int)$fbConfig['usereditTime'])) >= FBTools::fbGetInternalTime()) { $allowEdit = 1; } } } } if ($allowEdit == 1) { //we're now in edit mode $editmode = 1; /*foreach ($message1 as $mes) {*/ //$htmlText = smile::fbStripHtmlTags($mes->message); $htmlText = $mes->message; $table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); //$htmlText = strtr($htmlText, $table); //$htmlText = smile::fbHtmlSafe($htmlText); $resubject = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($mes->subject)); $authorName = htmlspecialchars($mes->name); ?> " method = "post" name = "postform" enctype = "multipart/form-data"/> setQuery("SELECT filelocation FROM #__fb_attachments WHERE mesid='$id'"); $attachments = $database->loadObjectList(); if (count($attachments > 0)) { foreach ($attachments as $att) { if (preg_match("&/fbfiles/files/&si", $att->filelocation)) { $no_file_upload = "1"; } if (preg_match("&/fbfiles/images/&si", $att->filelocation)) { $no_image_upload = "1"; } } } else { $no_upload = "0"; } if (file_exists(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_write.html.php')) { include (JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_write.html.php'); } else { include (JB_ABSPATH . '/template/default/fb_write.html.php'); } //echo "
"; //} } else { echo "Hacking attempt!"; } } else if ($do == "editpostnow") { $modified_reason = addslashes(mosGetParam($_POST, "modified_reason", null)); $modified_by = $my->id; $modified_time = FBTools::fbGetInternalTime(); $id = (int) $id; $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_messages LEFT JOIN #__fb_messages_text ON WHERE$id"); $message1 = $database->loadObjectList(); $mes = $message1[0]; $userid = $mes->userid; //Check for a moderator or superadmin if ($is_moderator) { $allowEdit = 1; } if ($fbConfig['useredit'] == 1 && $my->id != "") { //Now, if the author==viewer and the viewer is allowed to edit his/her own post the let them edit if ($my->id == $userid) { if(((int)$fbConfig['usereditTime'])==0) { $allowEdit = 1; } else { $modtime = $mes->modified_time; if(!$modtime) { $modtime = $mes->time; } if(($modtime + ((int)$fbConfig['usereditTime']) + ((int)$fbConfig['usereditTimeGrace'])) >= FBTools::fbGetInternalTime()) { $allowEdit = 1; } } } } if ($allowEdit == 1) { if ($attachfile != '') { include JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_file_upload.php'; } if ($attachimage != '') { include JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_image_upload.php'; } //$message = trim(htmlspecialchars(addslashes($message))); $message = trim(addslashes($message)); //parse the message for some preliminary bbcode and stripping of HTML //$message = smile::bbencode_first_pass($message); if (count($message1) > 0) { $database->setQuery( "UPDATE #__fb_messages SET name='$fb_authorname', email='" . addslashes($email) . (($fbConfig['editMarkUp']) ? "' ,modified_by='" . $modified_by . "' ,modified_time='" . $modified_time . "' ,modified_reason='" . $modified_reason : "") . "', subject='" . addslashes($subject) . "', topic_emoticon='" . ((int)$topic_emoticon) . "' WHERE id={$id}"); $dbr_nameset = $database->query(); $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_messages_text SET message='{$message}' WHERE mesid={$id}"); if ($database->query() && $dbr_nameset) { //Update the attachments table if an image has been attached if ($imageLocation != "") { $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_attachments (mesid, filelocation) values ('$id','$imageLocation')"); if (!$database->query()) { echo "\n"; } } //Update the attachments table if an file has been attached if ($fileLocation != "") { $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_attachments (mesid, filelocation) values ('$id','$fileLocation')"); if (!$database->query()) { echo "\n"; } } echo '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
';?> setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id=$id"); $message = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($message as $mes) { ?>
" method = "post" name = "myform"> : subject)); ?>.

| ">
'; echo _FB_POST_DEL_ERR_CHILD; break; case -2: echo _POST_ERROR_TOPIC . '
'; echo _FB_POST_DEL_ERR_MSG; break; case -3: echo _POST_ERROR_TOPIC . '
'; $tmpstr = _FB_POST_DEL_ERR_TXT; $tmpstr = str_replace('%id%', $id, $tmpstr); echo $tmpstr; break; case -4: echo _POST_ERROR_TOPIC . '
'; echo _FB_POST_DEL_ERR_USR; break; default: echo '

'; if ($do == 'deletepostnow') { // echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; } echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; break; } } //fi $do==deletepostnow else if ($do == "move") { if (!$is_moderator) { die ("Hacking Attempt!"); } $catid = (int)$catid; $id = (int)$id; //get list of available forums //$database->setQuery("SELECT id,name FROM #__fb_categories WHERE parent != '0'"); $database->setQuery("SELECT a.*, AS category" . "\nFROM #__fb_categories AS a" . "\nLEFT JOIN #__fb_categories AS b ON = a.parent" . "\nWHERE a.parent != '0'" . "\nORDER BY parent, ordering"); $catlist = $database->loadObjectList(); // get topic subject: $database->setQuery("select subject from #__fb_messages where id=$id"); $topicSubject = $database->loadResult(); ?>
" method = "post" name = "myform">



setQuery("SELECT `subject`, `catid`, `time` AS timestamp FROM #__fb_messages WHERE `id`='$id'"); $oldRecord = $database->loadObjectList(); $newSubject = _MOVED_TOPIC . " " . $oldRecord[0]->subject; $database->setQuery("SELECT MAX(time) AS timestamp FROM #__fb_messages WHERE `thread`='$id'"); $lastTimestamp = $database->loadResult(); if ($lastTimestamp == "") { $lastTimestamp = $oldRecord[0]->timestamp; } //perform the actual move //Move topic post first $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_messages SET `catid`='$catid' WHERE `id`='$id'"); if ($database->query()) { //succeeded; move the rest of the thread if exists $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_messages set `catid`='$catid' WHERE `thread`='$id'"); if ($database->query()) { // insert 'moved topic' notification in old forum if needed if ($bool_leaveGhost) { $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_messages (`parent`, `subject`, `time`, `catid`, `moved`) VALUES ('0','$newSubject','" . $lastTimestamp . "','" . $oldRecord[0]->catid . "','1')"); if ($database->query()) { //determine the new location for link composition $newId = $database->insertid(); $newURL = "catid=" . $catid . "&id=" . $id; $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_messages_text (`mesid`, `message`) VALUES ('$newId', '$newURL')"); if (!$database->query()) { $database->stderr(true); } //and update the thread id on the 'moved' post for the right ordering when viewing the forum.. $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_messages SET `thread`='$newId' WHERE `id`='$newId'"); if (!$database->query()) { $database->stderr(true); } } else { echo '


'; } } //move succeeded echo '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> "> setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_subscriptions (category,userid) VALUES ('$catid','$my->id')"); } else { $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_subscriptions (thread,userid) VALUES ('$fb_thread','$my->id')"); } //End Hack by SBS if ($database->query()) { echo _POST_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC . "

"; } else { echo _POST_NO_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC . "

"; } echo '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_favorites (thread,userid) VALUES ('$fb_thread','$my->id')"); if ($database->query()) { echo _POST_FAVORITED_TOPIC . "

"; } else { echo _POST_NO_FAVORITED_TOPIC . "

"; } echo '

'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> setQuery("update #__fb_messages set ordering=1 where id=$id"); if ($database->query()) { echo '


'; } else { echo '


'; } echo '


'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> setQuery("update #__fb_messages set ordering=0 where id=$id"); if ($database->query()) { echo '


'; } else { echo '


'; } echo '


'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> setQuery("update #__fb_messages set locked=1 where id=$id"); if ($database->query()) { echo '

' . _POST_LOCK_SET . '

'; } else { echo '


'; } echo '


'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?> setQuery("update #__fb_messages set locked=0 where id=$id"); if ($database->query()) { echo '


'; } else { echo '


'; } echo '


'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_VIEW . '
'; echo '' . _POST_SUCCESS_FORUM . '
'; echo '
'; ?>
setQuery("select thread from #__fb_messages where id='$replyto'"); $topicID = $database->loadResult(); $lockedWhat = _GEN_TOPIC; if ($topicID != 0) //message replied to is not the topic post; check if the topic post itself is locked { $sql = 'select locked from #__fb_messages where id=' . $topicID; } else { $sql = 'select locked from #__fb_messages where id=' . $replyto; } $database->setQuery($sql); $topicLock = $database->loadResult(); } if ($topicLock == 0) { //topic not locked; check if forum is locked $database->setQuery("select locked from #__fb_categories where id=$catid"); $topicLock = $database->loadResult(); $lockedWhat = _GEN_FORUM; } if (($userid != 0 || $pubwrite) && ($topicLock == 0 || $ismod)) { return 1; } else { //user is not allowed to write a post if ($pubwrite) { echo "

$lockedWhat " . _POST_LOCKED . "
"; echo _POST_NO_NEW . "

"; } else { echo "

"; echo _POST_NO_PUBACCESS1 . "
"; echo _POST_NO_PUBACCESS2 . "

"; if ($fbConfig['cb_profile']) { echo '' . _POST_NO_PUBACCESS3 . '

'; } else { echo '' . _POST_NO_PUBACCESS3 . '

'; } } return 0; } } /** * Function to delete posts * * @param database object * @param int the id if the post to be deleted * @param boolean determines if we need to delete attachements as well * * @return int returns thread id if all went well, -1 to -4 are error numbers **/ function fb_delete_post(&$database, $id, $dellattach) { $database->setQuery('SELECT id,catid,parent,thread,subject,userid FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id=' . $id); if (!$database->query()) { return -2; } unset($mes); $database->loadObject($mes); $thread = $mes->thread; if ($mes->parent == 0) { // this is the forum topic; if removed, all children must be removed as well. $children = array (); $userids = array (); $database->setQuery('SELECT userid,id, catid FROM #__fb_messages WHERE thread=' . $id . ' OR id=' . $id); foreach ($database->loadObjectList()as $line) { $children[] = $line->id; if ($line->userid > 0) { $userids[] = $line->userid; } } $children = implode(',', $children); $userids = implode(',', $userids); } else { //this is not the forum topic, so delete it and promote the direct children one level up in the hierarchy $database->setQuery('UPDATE #__fb_messages SET parent=\'' . $mes->parent . '\' WHERE parent=\'' . $id . '\''); if (!$database->query()) { return -1; } $children = $id; $userids = $mes->userid > 0 ? $mes->userid : ''; } //Delete the post (and it's children when it's the first post) $database->setQuery('DELETE FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id=' . $id . ' OR thread=' . $id); if (!$database->query()) { return -2; } // now update stats FBTools::decreaseCategoryStats($id, $mes->catid); //Delete message text(s) $database->setQuery('DELETE FROM #__fb_messages_text WHERE mesid IN (' . $children . ')'); if (!$database->query()) { return -3; } //Update user post stats if (count($userids) > 0) { $database->setQuery('UPDATE #__fb_users SET posts=posts-1 WHERE userid IN (' . $userids . ')'); if (!$database->query()) { return -4; } } //Delete (possible) ghost post $database->setQuery('SELECT mesid FROM #__fb_messages_text WHERE message=\'catid=' . $mes->catid . '&id=' . $id . '\''); $int_ghost_id = $database->loadResult(); if ($int_ghost_id > 0) { $database->setQuery('DELETE FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id=' . $int_ghost_id); $database->query(); $database->setQuery('DELETE FROM #__fb_messages_text WHERE mesid=' . $int_ghost_id); $database->query(); } //Delete attachments if ($dellattach) { $database->setQuery('SELECT filelocation FROM #__fb_attachments WHERE mesid IN (' . $children . ')'); $fileList = $database->loadObjectList(); if (count($fileList) > 0) { foreach ($fileList as $fl) { unlink ($fl->filelocation); } $database->setQuery('DELETE FROM #__fb_attachments WHERE mesid IN (' . $children . ')'); $database->query(); } } return $thread; // all went well :-) } function listThreadHistory($id, $fbConfig, $database) { if ($id != 0) { //get the parent# for the post on which 'reply' or 'quote' is chosen $database->setQuery("SELECT parent FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id='$id'"); $this_message_parent = $database->loadResult(); //Get the thread# for the same post $database->setQuery("SELECT thread FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id='$id'"); $this_message_thread = $database->loadResult(); //determine the correct thread# for the entire thread if ($this_message_parent == 0) { $thread = $id; } else { $thread = $this_message_thread; } //get all the messages for this thread $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_messages LEFT JOIN #__fb_messages_text ON WHERE thread='$thread' OR id='$thread' AND hold = 0 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT " . $fbConfig['historyLimit']); $messages = $database->loadObjectList(); //and the subject of the first thread (for reference) $database->setQuery("SELECT subject FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id='$thread' and parent=0"); $this_message_subject = $database->loadResult(); echo "" . _POST_TOPIC_HISTORY . ": " . htmlspecialchars($this_message_subject) . "
"; ?> name = htmlspecialchars($mes->name); $mes->email = htmlspecialchars($mes->email); $mes->subject = htmlspecialchars($mes->subject); $fb_message_txt = stripslashes(($mes->message)); $fb_message_txt = smile::smileReplace($fb_message_txt, 1, $fbConfig['disemoticons'], $smileyList); ?>
name); ?>
", "

", $fb_message_txt); //Long Words Wrap: $fb_message_txt = smile::htmlwrap($fb_message_txt, $fbConfig['wrap']); // Joomla Mambot Support if ($fbConfig['jmambot']) { global $_MAMBOTS; $row = new t(); $row->text = $fb_message_txt; $_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup('content'); $params = &new mosParameters(''); $results = $_MAMBOTS->trigger('onPrepareContent', array ( &$row, &$params, 0 ), true); $fb_message_txt = $row->text; } // Finish Joomla Mambot Support if ($fbConfig['badwords'] && is_file($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/components/com_badword/class.badword.php')) { $badwords = Badword::filter($fb_message_txt, $my); if ($badwords == "true") { $fb_message_txt = _COM_A_BADWORDS_NOTICE; } } echo $fb_message_txt; ?>