setQuery("SELECT userid FROM #__fb_moderation WHERE catid='$catid' and userid='$my->id'"); if ($database->loadResult()) { $is_Mod = 1; } } else { $is_Mod = 1; } //superadmins always are unset($allow_forum); $allow_forum = array (); //get the db data with allowed forums and turn it into an array if ($fbSession->allowed != "na" && !$new_fb_user) { $allow_forum = explode(',', $fbSession->allowed); } else { //get only the publicly accessible forums.. $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__fb_categories WHERE published='1' AND pub_access='0'"); $allowed_forums = $database->loadObjectList(); $i = 0; foreach ($allowed_forums as $af) { if (count($allow_forum) == 0) { $allow_forum[0] = $af->id; } else { $allow_forum[$i] = $af->id; $i++; } } } if (!$is_Mod) { //check Access Level Restrictions but don't bother for Moderators //get all the info on this forum: $database->setQuery("SELECT id,pub_access,pub_recurse,admin_access,admin_recurse FROM #__fb_categories where id='$catid'"); $row = $database->loadObjectList(); //Do user identification based upon the ACL $letPass = 0; $letPass = fb_auth::validate_user($row[0], $allow_forum, $aro_group->group_id, $acl); } if ($letPass || $is_Mod) { $threads_per_page = $fbConfig['threads_per_page']; if ($catid <= 0) { //make sure we got a valid category id $catid = 1; } $view = $view == "" ? $settings[current_view] : $view; setcookie("fboard_settings[current_view]", $view, time() + 31536000, '/'); /*//////////////// Start selecting messages, prepare them for threading, etc... /////////////////*/ $page = (int)$page; $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page; $offset = ($page - 1) * $threads_per_page; $row_count = $page * $threads_per_page; $database->setQuery("Select count(*) FROM #__fb_messages WHERE parent = '0' AND catid= '$catid' AND hold = '0' "); $total = (int)$database->loadResult(); $database->setQuery( "SELECT a. * , MAX( b.time ) AS lastpost FROM #__fb_messages AS a LEFT JOIN #__fb_messages AS b ON b.thread = a.thread WHERE a.parent = '0' AND a.catid = $catid AND a.hold = '0' GROUP BY id ORDER BY ordering DESC , lastpost DESC LIMIT $offset,$threads_per_page"); foreach ($database->loadObjectList()as $message) { $threadids[] = $message->id; $messages[$message->parent][] = $message; $last_reply[$message->id] = $message; $hits[$message->id] = $message->hits; } if (count($threadids) > 0) { $idstr = @join("','", $threadids); $database->setQuery("SELECT id,parent,thread,catid,subject,name,time,topic_emoticon,locked,ordering,userid moved FROM #__fb_messages WHERE thread IN ('$idstr') AND id NOT IN ('$idstr') and hold=0"); foreach ($database->loadObjectList()as $message) { $messages[$message->parent][] = $message; $thread_counts[$message->thread]++; $last_reply[$message->thread] = $last_reply[$message->thread]->time < $message->time ? $message : $last_reply[$message->thread]; } } //get number of pending messages $database->setQuery("select count(*) from #__fb_messages where catid='$catid' and hold=1"); $numPending = $database->loadResult(); //@rsort($messages[0]); ?> setQuery("SELECT * from #__fb_categories where id = {$catid}"); $database->loadObject($objCatInfo); //Get the Category's parent category name for breadcrumb $database->setQuery("SELECT name,id FROM #__fb_categories WHERE id = {$objCatInfo->parent}"); $database->loadObject($objCatParentInfo); // set page title //$mainframe->setPageTitle( $objCatParentInfo->name.' - '.$objCatInfo->name.' - '.$fbConfig['board_title'] ); //check if this forum is locked $forumLocked = $objCatInfo->locked; //check if this forum is subject to review $forumReviewed = $objCatInfo->review; /* echo ''; echo $fbIcons['forumlist'] ? ''._GEN_FORUMLIST.' > ' : _GEN_FORUMLIST; echo ' '; if (file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/images/arrow.png')) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ' '.$objCatParentInfo->name.' '; if (file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/images/arrow.png')) { echo ''; } else { echo ' '; }*/ // echo ' '.$objCatInfo->name.' '; ?> headerdesc) { ?>
headerdesc; ?>
'; echo $fbIcons['bottomarrow'] ? '' . _GEN_GOTOBOTTOM . '' : _GEN_GOTOBOTTOM; echo ''; ?> ' . _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC . ''; } else { echo '' . _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC . ''; } } echo ''; //pagination 1 if (count($messages[0]) > 0) { echo '
    '; echo '
  • '; echo _PAGE; echo '
  • '; if (($page - 2) > 1) { echo '
  • 1
  • '; echo "
  • ... 
  • "; } for ($i = ($page - 2) <= 0 ? 1 : ($page - 2); $i <= $page + 2 && $i <= ceil($total / $threads_per_page); $i++) { if ($page == $i) { echo "
  • $i
  • "; } else { echo '
  • ' . $i . '
  • '; } } if ($page + 2 < ceil($total / $threads_per_page)) { echo "
  • ... 
  • "; echo '
  • ' . ceil($total / $threads_per_page) . '
  • '; } echo '
'; } ?>
setQuery("SELECT readtopics FROM #__fb_sessions WHERE userid=$my->id"); $readTopics = $database->loadResult(); if (count($readTopics) == 0) { $readTopics = "0"; } //make sure at least something is in there.. //make it into an array $read_topics = explode(',', $readTopics); if (count($messages) > 0) { if ($view == "flat") if (file_exists(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/flat.php')) { include(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/flat.php'); } else { include(JB_ABSPATH . '/template/default/flat.php'); } else if (file_exists(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/thread.php')) { include(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/thread.php'); } else { include(JB_ABSPATH . '/template/default/thread.php'); } } else { echo "

"; echo '

' . _SHOWCAT_NO_TOPICS; echo "

"; } ?>
'; echo $fbIcons['toparrow'] ? '' . _GEN_GOTOTOP . '' : _GEN_GOTOTOP; echo ''; ?> ' . _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC . ''; } else { echo '' . _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC . ''; } } //Start Hack by SBS if ($fbConfig['allowsubscriptions'] == 1 && ("" != $my_id || 0 != $my_id)) { //$fb_thread==0 ? $check_thread=$catid : $check_thread=$fb_thread; $database->setQuery("SELECT category from #__fb_subscriptions where userid='$my_id' and category='$catid'"); $fb_subscribed = $database->loadResult(); if ($fb_subscribed == "") { $fb_cansubscribe = 1; } else { $fb_cansubscribe = 0; } } if ($my_id != 0 && $fbConfig['allowsubscriptions'] == 1 && $fb_cansubscribe == 1) { echo ''; echo $fbIcons['subscribe'] ? '' . _VIEW_SUBSCRIBETXT . '' : _VIEW_SUBSCRIBE; echo ""; } if ($my_id != 0 && $fbConfig['allowsubscriptions'] == 1 && $fb_cansubscribe == 0) { echo ''; echo $fbIcons['unsubscribe'] ? '' . _VIEW_UNSUBSCRIBETXT . '' : _VIEW_UNSUBSCRIBE; echo ""; } //End Hack by SBS echo ''; //pagination 1 if (count($messages[0]) > 0) { echo '
    '; echo '
  • '; echo _PAGE; echo '
  • '; if (($page - 2) > 1) { echo '
  • 1
  • '; echo "
  • ... 
  • "; } for ($i = ($page - 2) <= 0 ? 1 : ($page - 2); $i <= $page + 2 && $i <= ceil($total / $threads_per_page); $i++) { if ($page == $i) { echo "
  • $i
  • "; } else { echo '
  • ' . $i . '
  • '; } } if ($page + 2 < ceil($total / $threads_per_page)) { echo "
  • ... 
  • "; echo '
  • ' . ceil($total / $threads_per_page) . '
  • '; } echo '
'; } ?>
id != 0) { echo ''; echo $fbIcons['markThisForumRead'] ? '' . _GEN_MARK_THIS_FORUM_READ . '' : _GEN_MARK_THIS_FORUM_READ; echo ''; } ?> setQuery("select * from #__fb_moderation left join #__users on where #__fb_moderation.catid=$catid"); $modslist = $database->loadObjectList(); ?> 0) { ?>
userid).'">'.$mod->username.'  '; } ?>
id != 0) { echo $fbIcons['unreadmessage'] ? '' . _GEN_UNREAD . '' : $fbConfig['newChar']; echo ' - ' . _GEN_UNREAD . ''; } ?>
id != 0) { echo $fbIcons['readmessage'] ? '' . _GEN_NOUNREAD . '' : $fbConfig['newChar']; echo ' - ' . _GEN_NOUNREAD . ''; } ?>
- ' . _GEN_MODERATED . '' : ' ' . _GEN_MODERATED . ' - ' . _GEN_MODERATED . ''; } else { echo ""; } ?>
- ' . _GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC . '' : '' . _GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC . ' - ' . _GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC . ''; } ?>
- ' . _GEN_ISSTICKY . '' : '' . _GEN_ISSTICKY . ' - ' . _GEN_ISSTICKY . ''; } ?>
- ' . _GEN_LOCKED_FORUM . '' : ' ' . _GEN_LOCKED_FORUM . ' - ' . _GEN_LOCKED_FORUM . ''; echo '
'; } else { echo ""; } ?>
setQuery("SELECT id, name, parent FROM #__fb_categories WHERE parent='$category' and published='1' order by ordering"); $forums = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($forums as $forum) { if (in_array($forum->id, $allow_forum)) { echo(""); } showChildren($forum->id, $prefix . "---", $allow_forum); } } ?>