id) { //we got a valid and logged on user so we can go on //What should we do? if ($do == "show") { //show it is.. if (!$fbConfig['cb_profile']) { //first we gather some information about this person - bypass if (s)he is a guest unset($user); $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_users as su " . "\nLEFT JOIN #__users as u on WHERE su.userid={$my->id}"); $database->loadObject($user); $prefview = $user->view; $signature = $user->signature; $username = $user->name; $moderator = $user->moderator; $fbavatar = $user->avatar; $ordering = $user->ordering; list($avWidth, $avHeight) = @getimagesize($avatar); //use mypms pro avatar if configured if ($fbConfig['avatar_src'] == "pmspro") { $database->setQuery("SELECT picture FROM #__mypms_profiles WHERE name='$username'"); $avatar = $database->loadResult(); } elseif ($fbConfig['avatar_src'] == "cb") { $database->setQuery("SELECT avatar FROM #__comprofiler WHERE user_id='$my->id'"); $avatar = $database->loadResult(); } else { $avatar = $fbavatar; } } //get all subscriptions for this user $database->setQuery("select thread from #__fb_subscriptions where userid=$my->id"); $subslist = $database->loadObjectList(); $csubslist = count($subslist); //get all favorites for this user $database->setQuery("select thread from #__fb_favorites where userid=$my->id"); $favslist = $database->loadObjectList(); $cfavslist = count($favslist); //get all forums for which this user is assigned as moderator, BUT only if the user isn't an admin //since these are moderators for all forums (regardless if a forum is set to be moderated) if (!$is_admin) { $database->setQuery("select #__fb_moderation.catid, from #__fb_moderation left join #__fb_categories on where #__fb_moderation.userid=$my->id"); $modslist = $database->loadObjectList(); $cmodslist = count($modslist); } //here we go: include(JB_ABSSOURCESPATH . 'fb_bb.js.php'); if (file_exists(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_pathway.php')) { require_once(JB_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_pathway.php'); } else { require_once(JB_ABSPATH . '/template/default/fb_pathway.php'); } ?>
 "; echo ''; } ?>
*: *' . _USER_CHANGE_VIEW . ''; ?>

: :

"; if ($fbConfig['avatar_src'] == "clexuspm") { ?>

0) { foreach ($subslist as $subs) { //get all message details for each subscription $database->setQuery("select * from #__fb_messages where id=$subs->thread"); $subdet = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($subdet as $sub) { $k = 1 - $k; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ""; $enum++; } } } else { echo ''; } ?>
' . $enum. ': ' . $sub->subject . ' - ' . _GEN_BY . ' ' . $sub->name .'' . _THREAD_UNSUBSCRIBE . '
0) { foreach ($favslist as $favs) { //get all message details for each favorite $database->setQuery("select * from #__fb_messages where id=$favs->thread"); $favdet = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($favdet as $fav) { $k = 1 - $k; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ""; $enum++; } } } else { echo ''; } ?>
' . $enum . ': ' . $fav->subject . ' - ' . _GEN_BY . ' ' . $fav->name .'' . _THREAD_UNFAVORITE . '
0) { foreach ($modslist as $mods) { //get all moderator details for each moderation $k = 1 - $k; echo ""; echo ' '; echo ""; $enum++; } } else { echo ""; } } else { echo ""; } echo "
' . $enum . ': ' . $mods->name . '
"; } else if ($do == "update") { //we update anything $rowItemid = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'Itemid'); $deleteAvatar = mosGetParam($_POST, 'deleteAvatar', 0); $deleteSig = mosGetParam($_POST, 'deleteSig', 0); $unsubscribeAll = mosGetParam($_POST, 'unsubscribeAll', 0); $unfavoriteAll = mosGetParam($_POST, 'unfavoriteAll', 0); $signature = mosGetParam($_POST, 'message', ''); $newview = mosGetParam($_POST, 'newview', 'flat'); $avatar = mosGetParam($_POST, 'avatar', ''); (int)$neworder = mosGetParam($_POST, 'neworder', 0); if ($deleteSig == 1) { $signature = ""; } $signature = trim(addslashes($signature)); //parse the message for some preliminary bbcode and stripping of HTML //$signature = smile::bbencode_first_pass($signature); if ($deleteAvatar == 1) { $avatar = ""; } $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_users set signature='$signature', view='$newview', avatar='$avatar', ordering='$neworder' where userid=$my_id"); setcookie("fboard_settings[current_view]", $newview); if (!$database->query()) { echo _USER_PROFILE_NOT_A . " " . _USER_PROFILE_NOT_B . " " . _USER_PROFILE_NOT_C . ".

"; } else { echo _USER_PROFILE_UPDATED . "

"; } echo _USER_RETURN_A . ' ' . _USER_RETURN_B . "

"; if ($unsubscribeAll) { $database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__fb_subscriptions WHERE userid=$my_id"); $database->query(); } if ($unfavoriteAll) { $database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__fb_favorites WHERE userid='$my_id'"); $database->query(); } ?> setQuery("DELETE from #__fb_subscriptions where userid=$my->id and category=$catid"); } else { $database->setQuery("DELETE from #__fb_subscriptions where userid=$my->id and thread=$thread"); } //End hack by SBS if (!$database->query()) { echo _USER_UNSUBSCRIBE_A . " " . _USER_UNSUBSCRIBE_B . " " . _USER_UNSUBSCRIBE_C . ".

"; } else { echo _USER_UNSUBSCRIBE_YES . ".

"; } if ($fbConfig['cb_profile']) { echo _USER_RETURN_A . " " . _USER_RETURN_B . "

"; ?> " . _USER_RETURN_B . "

"; ?> setQuery("DELETE from #__fb_favorites where userid=$my->id and thread=$thread"); if (!$database->query()) { echo _USER_UNFAVORITE_A . " " . _USER_UNFAVORITE_B . " " . _USER_UNFAVORITE_C . ".

"; } else { echo _USER_UNFAVORITE_YES . ".

"; } if ($fbConfig['cb_profile']) { echo _USER_RETURN_A . " " . _USER_RETURN_B . "

"; ?> " . _USER_RETURN_B . "

"; ?>
"; echo _USER_ERROR_C . "

" . _USER_ERROR_D . ": fb001-up-02NoDO

"; } } else { //get outa here, you fraud! echo _USER_ERROR_A; echo _USER_ERROR_B . "

"; echo _USER_ERROR_C . "

" . _USER_ERROR_D . ": fb001-up-01NLO

"; //that should scare 'em off enough... ;-) } ?>